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Life-Flo's Pure Magnesium Oil

One of my many allergies is sensitivity to fragrance. Generally speaking, I opt for fragrance free or very low fragrant lotions. Heavily perfumed lotions make me itch to the point that I can sometimes bruise my skin.

Recently, I discovered Life-flo’s Pure Magnesium Oil. The company touts “relaxing and rejuvenating muscles and joints” but I found that it keeps my skin moist longer and better than most lotions I’ve used. I already take magnesium daily, so I don't find I need to supplement magnesium this way, but it’s an option if you are depleted, which most westernized diets are.

Magnesium plays an important role in the body to support muscle and nerve function and energy production.

Life-flo’s Pure Magnesium Oil is fragrance free which helps prevent itching and tends to hold moisture almost 24 hours. I don’t particularly like the feeling on my hands so I wipe them after applying, but love it for all of the other dry areas on my body. .

On a side note, an accidental benefit I found is that when I applied it to mosquito bites, I felt a sting, tingle and then my bug bites stopped itching. I’m not sure this is a benefit the company would promote but it really helped me. Hope you find this product useful.

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